Thursday, 29 December 2016


It's time to sum up the results of the year going by. As for the finnish black metal scene, it didn't disappoint me, because all the releases I was waiting for were worth it. There were a lot of good albums that I will listen again repeatedly.
That's why it makes difficult to build up a top-ten list. But anyway, here they are, best of the best in 2016 for me:

Draugnim "Vulturine"
Mortualia "Wild Wild Misery"
Baptism "V: The Devil's Fire"
Deathkin "Kohti Kotiani Kaaosta"
Teuras "Winterreich"
Kalmankantaja "Tyhjyys" 
Behexen "The Poisonous Path"
Dødkvlt "IV: You Sought The Truth, Only To Find Death" 
Antimateria "Valo Aikojen Takaa"
Korgonthurus "Vuohen Siunaus"

In addition to these albums I must mention the releases of ЕР Aegrus, Sarastus, Oath, Vordr, Kausalgia, other releases Kalmankantaja, Lathspell, Teloch, True Black Dawn, Hoath, Kyy, Ancestors Blood, compilation Circle Of Ouroborus as well as many others to list which I will not, because a long time.

That's all, folks.

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