Wednesday, 30 December 2015


2015 wasn't that rich in releases as two previous years. I didn't have any significant musical revelations so far. I began to notice the fact that it is very hard to find an interesting release, on finnish black metal market as well. I'll start with the guys that have dissapointed me: Horna, Havukruunu with their Havulinnaan, Saturnian Mist and their Chaos Magick, Ride For Revenge as well, and I'd also mention a dull Taatsi second LP.

Now, talking about the positive side of the year gone by, I'd mention Clandestine Blaze, Circle Of Ouroborus, Forgotten Horror, Isengrim, Front, Funerary Bell, Kalmankantaja, V​-​Khaoz, Archgoat, Vorna, Azaghal / Oath, Hautakammio, Abyssion, Forlor и Azazel. And most importantly, I set up a list of my 2015-favourites from the finnish metal scene. That's all. See ya.

Azaghal "Madon Sanat"
Sielunvihollinen "Hautaruhtinas"
Aegrus "Devotion For The Devil"
Sacrificium Carmen "Ikuisen Tulen Kammiossa"
Angelscourge "Seraph Impaler"
Curse Upon A Prayer "Rotten Tongues"
Phlegein "From The Land Of Death"
Diaboli "Wiking Division"
Saturnian Mist / IC Rex "Liber Saturni: Apochryphon Of Saturnian Rex"
Cosmic Church "Vigilia"

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