Thursday, 6 March 2025

Forsaken Land "Nightwinds (EP)" (2025)

Country: Finland
Genre: Melodic Black Metal
Label: Self-release-Independent
Quality: 320
1. Of Praise and Adoration
2. The Toll of the Funeral Bell
3. Through the Nightwinds
4. I Seek the Fires of Suns
Time Album: 22:41

Tyhjä "III" (2025)

Country: Finland
Genre: Black Metal
Label: Self-release-Independent
Quality: 320
1. Intro
2. Behemoth
3. Pyhät Sodat
4. Surun Silpoma Maailma
5. Azovstal
6. Olento Herää
7. Yön Valvoja
8. Tinshemet
Time Album: 44:51

Tuesday, 4 March 2025

Hail Conjurer "Order of Disgrace" (2025)

Country: Finland
Genre: Black Metal / Dark Ambient / Noise
Label: Crypt of the Wizard
Quality: 320
1. Antithesis
2. Let Him Watch
3. New Order
4. Huoruuden Perkele
5. Melancholy Forest
6. Transference
7. Burning Rope
Time Album: 32:10

Anemic Death "Demo" (2025)

Country: Finland
Genre: Black Metal
Label: Self-release-Independent
Quality: 320
1. Intro
2. Ritualistic Torture
3. Whore Slaughter
Time Album: 06:51

Sunday, 2 March 2025

Havukruunu "Tavastland" (2025)

Country: Finland
Genre: Black Metal / Pagan Metal / Epic Black Metal
Label: Svart Records
Quality: 320
1. Kuolematon laulunhenki
2. Yönsynty
3. Havukruunu Ja Talvenvarjo
4. Tavastland
5. Kuoleman Oma
6. Unissakävijä
7. Kun Veri Sekoittuu Lumeen
8. De Miseriis Fennorum
Time Album: 53:42

Friday, 28 February 2025

Dart "Demo" (2022)

Country: Finland
Genre: Thrash Metal / Punk / Metalpunk
Label: No Fuss Tapes / For Victory Records
Quality: 320
1. Last Call
2. Hungry Wolf
3. No Good Thoughts
4. Face Melting Speed
5. Mountain
6. Nightmare
7. Not My Fault
8. Bullseye
Time Album: 13:47

Sepulchral Curse "Crimson Moon Evocations" (2025)

Country: Finland
Genre: Black Metal / Death Metal
Label: Dark Descent Records
Quality: 320
1. Wildfires
2. House of the Black Moon
3. The Locust Scar
4. Beneath the Dismal Tides
5. Empress of the Dead
6. The Currents of Chaos
7. Crimson Passages
Time Album: 39:39

Thursday, 27 February 2025

Hakaristi "Työ & Kuolema (Compilation)" (2022)

Country: Finland
Genre: NS Black Metal / Noise
Label: Filth & Violence
Quality: 320
1. Intro: Veri ja Kunnia  
2. No Remorse  
3. Barbarian Wisdom  
4. Rotting Corpses in Stalingrad  
5. Command  
6. Under the Banner  
7. Outro: Työ & Kuolema  
8. Intro  
9. Burn  
10. Fire  
11. Raping the Innocent  
12. Dead  
13. Outro 
Time Album: 45:54

He Exists To Tempt Humans Toward Evil "Blasphemies Draw Shadows, Manifesting Darkened Spirits Beyond Madness (EP)" (2025)

Country: Finland
Genre: Black Metal
Label: LevtKvlt
Quality: 320
1. War Devil
2. Tox
Time Album: 12:05

Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Goatmoon / Dark Fury "Split" (2017)

Country: Finland / Poland
Genre: Black Metal / NS Black Metal
Label: Darker Than Black Records
Quality: VBR
Goatmoon (Finland):
1. Raging With The Lion's Blood

Dark Fury (Poland):
2. Wróg Nowego Porządku
3. Orzeł I Lew
Time Album: 12:22

Sunday, 23 February 2025

Chaosweaver "Enter The Realm Of The Doppelgänger" (2012)

Country: Finland
Genre: Sympho Black Metal
Label: Napalm Records
Quality: 320
1. A Red Dawn Rises
2. Wings of Chaos
3. Maelstrom of Black Light
4. The Great Cosmic Serpent
5. Infected
6. A Requiem for a Lost Universe
7. Crystal Blue
8. Repulsion
9. Ragnarök Sunset
10. Enter the Realm of the Doppelgänger 
11. Satan Klaus Ja Tuomion Tontut (Blood-Red Doom and Death Remix 2011)
Time Album: 58:23

Chaosweaver "Puppetmaster Of Pandemonium" (2008)"

Country: Finland
Genre: Sympho Black Metal
Label: Shadow World
Quality: 320
1. Flaming Rain
2. Locked in a Coffin
3. White Noise
4. Cult of Joy
5. Horned Serpent
6. Buried in a Swamp
7. Angel
8. Denied Memories
9. Beneath the Silent Cities
10. Son of the Moon
11. Crucified
Time Album: 52:10

Kiira "Syvyyden Yllä" (2025)

Country: Finland
Genre: Black Metal
Label: Amor Fati Productions
Quality: 320
1. Syvyyden Yllä
2. Tulisynty
3. Varjohaaksi
4. Tuliportit
5. Yösynty
6. Suruntuoja
Time Album: 38:08

Uhrilahja "The Black Circle" (2025)

Country: Finland
Genre: Black Metal
Label: Morbid Chapel Records
Quality: 320
1. Intro - The Invocation of Demons
2. Black Ritual - Eon of Demons
3. Black Spirit - Tribute to the One
4. Black Dragon - Recon the Power
5. Black Death - A Requiem for Yersinia Pestis
6. Interludium - Cosmos Levitation
7. Black Space - Journey to the Stars
8. Black Forest - Hidden Pathways of the Lost Dimensions
9. Black Fire - A Blaze of Invocation
10. Last Seance - Chants of Resurrection
Time Album: 45:29

Friday, 21 February 2025

Bronze Hall "Honor & Steel" (2025)

Country: Finland
Genre: Epic Black Metal
Label: Self-release-Independent
Quality: 320
1. Triumph of Honor & Steel 
2. We Follow the Ravens
3. Ancient Whispers 
4. By Fire...
5. Aura of Might 
6. Land in Solitude (Quest for Blood)
Time Album: 37:38

Tuesday, 18 February 2025

RawMoor "En Route" (2024)

Country: Finland
Genre: Sympho Black Metal
Label: Self-release-Independent
Quality: 320
1. Id
2. Frostglade
3. En Route
4. Forth
5. Global Necrosis
6. Pine Branches
Time Album: 41:29

Monday, 17 February 2025

Vermilia "Karsikko" (2025)

Country: Finland
Genre: Atmospheric Black Metal / Pagan Metal
Label: Self-release-Independent
Quality: 320
1. Karsikko
2. Vakat
3. Kivutar
4. Suruhymni
5. Koti
6. Veresi
7. Talven Jälkeen
8. Kansojen Kaipuu
Time Album: 41:29

Sverd "Shatter And Death (EP)" (2024)

Country: Finland
Genre: Black Metal
Label: Self-release-Independent
Quality: 128
1. House of Misanthrope
2. In the Depths of the Night
3. Bellator Ignatus
4. Blood on the Altar
5. Shatter and Death
Time Album: 27:54

Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Langenneet "Etelätuuli (Single)" (2025)

Country: Finland
Genre: Black Metal
Label: Self-release-Independent
Quality: 320
1. Etelätuuli
2. Salamoiva Taivas
Time Album: 10:34

Viesti "This Cursed Journey's End (EP)" (2025)

Country: Finland
Genre: Doom Metal / Blackened
Label: Self-release-Independent
Quality: 320
1. Back to Dirt
2. This Cursed Journey's End (Pts. I & II)
3. Tokio palaa (Maho Neitsyt cover)
Time Album: 15:07

Sunday, 9 February 2025

Beyond Oblivion "Crypts of Ancient Witchery (Demo)" (2024)

Country: Finland
Genre: Black Metal / Dungeon Synth
Label: Self-release-Independent
Quality: 128
1. Sewers
2. Spellsword
3. Over the Frozen Lands
4. Rihmasto
5. Apocrypha
6. Closing the Gates
Time Album: 24:07

Thursday, 6 February 2025

Otorten "Metsänkaiku" (2025)

Country: Finland
Genre: Atmospheric Black Metal
Label: Self-release-Independent
Quality: 320
1. Öistä Kylmin
2. The Cold Heart of Hate
3. Moonlight
4. Sieluton Sydän
5. Kylmä Rintama
6. Metsänkaikuja
7. Panssaridivisioona 13
8. Balladi Kalevalasta
9. Gates to the Empire of Dawn and Dusk
10. Paluu Kylmään Yöhön
Time Album: 42:15

Illusions Dead "Impious Nocturn (Single)" (2025)

Country: Finland
Genre: Black Metal / Death Metal
Label: Self-release-Independent
Quality: 320
1. Impious Nocturn
Time Album: 06:21

Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Iku-Turso "Ikuinen Tuli MMXXV (EP)" (2025)

Country: Finland / Netherlands
Genre: Black Metal
Label: Korpituli Productions
Quality: 320
1. An Organism in an Azoic Era MMXXV
2. The Inanimate Essence of the Colossus MMXXV
3. Challenging the Chalice of Essence MMXXV
4. Mitosis of the Soul MMXXV
5. Canticle of Death MMXXV
Time Album: 28:23

Monday, 3 February 2025

Void Of Hope "Proof of Existence" (2025)

Country: Finland
Genre: Black Metal / Depressive Black Metal
Label: Avantgarde Music
Quality: 320
1. Gift of Life
2. Proof of Existence
3. The Hollow Hymn
4. Inner Peace
5. T.E.T.L.
6. Decaying Years
Time Album: 42:14

Sunday, 2 February 2025

Kuusuo "Curse Still Lingers On (EP)" (2025)

Country: Finland
Genre: Atmospheric Black Metal / Doom Metal
Label: Self-release-Independent
Quality: 320
1. Curse Still Lingers On
2. Blooden Sanctuary
3. Elon Ehtoo 
4. In These Woods 
Time Album: 31:15

Saturday, 1 February 2025

Wooden Shadow "Miserydawn (EP)" (2024)

Country: Finland
Genre: Melodic Black Metal 
Label: Self-release-Independent
Quality: 320
1. Agelessness of the Autumn Darkness
2. Miserydawn
3. Beyond the Void
4. Into the Depths
5. Existence of the Forlorn Age
Time Album: 26:44

Friday, 31 January 2025

Harhaoppisten Ylipapitar "Noituuden Viettelema" (2025)

Country: Finland
Genre: Black Metal 
Label: Self-release-Independent
Quality: 320
1. Hulluuteni on omaksunut uuden muodon
2. Ylipiirein valan vannonut
3. Tahritun perinnön muistoksi
4. Savun huumaavassa katkussa katselen liekkien hypnoottista tanssia
5. Anteeksiannon heikkous- Rauha saavutetaan vain minun sanelemin ehdoin
6. Noituuden viettelemä II
7. Mestarin synkässä unessa
8. Toistuvien painajaisten kirotussa kierteessä
9. Pimeyden salaisuuksien avautuessa edessäni
Time Album: 46:09

Lucem "Drowning (EP)" (2025)

Country: Finland 
Genre: Black Metal
Label: Self-release-Independent
Quality: 320
1. Mask In The Mirror
2. Forlorn
3. Hollow
4. Salvation
5. Bleak
6. Drowning
Time Album: 33:36

Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Armath Sargon "Veripolku" (2007)

Country: Finland
Genre: Unblack Metal
Label: Nokternal Hemizphear
Quality: 320
1. Sinfonia A-mollissa
2. Veripolku (Path Of Blood)
3. Luojani, Jumalani (My Creator, My God)
4. Die Hexen Ist Tott (The Hex Is Dead)
5. Jäähyväislaulu (Farewell Song)
6. Lopun Ennustus (The Prophecy About The End)
7. Trust The Lord
8. Monkey Business
9. Three Little Pigs
10. Outro (IIsain Juurivesa -Offspring Of Isaiah-)
Time Album: 40:38

Rajamaa "Vuorilammen Laulut" (2024)

Country: Finland 
Genre: Black Metal / Dark Folk
Label: Self-release-Independent
Quality: 320
1. Soiden
2. Vuorilampi 
3. Hengenvaara
4. Myrskynnostaja
5. Raja 
6. Nouse
Time Album: 38:18

Vermilia "Veresi" (2025)

Resolution: 1920 X 1080
Video Codec @ bitrate: AVC@1452 
Audio Codec @ bitrate: MP4A-40-2@128
Duration: 06:40
Format: MP4

Monday, 27 January 2025

Mutant Sex Demon "Cutting Through" (2025)

Country: Finland 
Genre: Black Metal / Heavy Metal / Punk
Label: Self-release-Independent
Quality: 320
1. Into the Satan's Den
2. Filth Metal Warriors
3. Hellbound
4. Bloody Claws of Hatred
5. Rider of Devil's Tongue
6. Whipmaster
7. Too Fast for Life
8. Vomitose (Bite it)
Time Album: 26:47

Sigon "Thunder of Iron" (2025)

Country: Finland
Genre: Black Metal / Speed Metal
Label: Self-release-Independent
Quality: 320
1. Fire,Steel & Hellstone
2. Pear of Anguish
3. Demon Steel
4. Sigon's Strength
5. King's Land
6. Thunder of Iron
7. Kings of Destruction
8. Road to Serene Death
Time Album: 22:25

Saturday, 25 January 2025

Wintrig "Wintrig (Demo)" (2024)

Country: Finland
Genre: Black Metal / Dark Ambient
Label: Self-release-Independent
Quality: 128
1. Tyhjyyden rajamailla
2. Menetetty maailma
3. Kaikki oleva haihtuu
4. Haudassa kiven alla
5. Menninkäisen yö
6. Metsänpeitto
7. Tuonen joki
8. Väinämöisen lähtö
Time Album: 30:05

Chalambris "Eternity In Wallachia" (2023)

Country: Finland
Genre: Black Metal / Dungeon Synth
Label: Center of the Earth Records
Quality: 128
1. Intro - Heraldic Fortitude
2. Promethean Spirit
3. Eternity in Wallachia
4. Castile in Cold Mourning
5. Melancholic Dreams
6. Ancestral Ruins of Old
7. Dark Lands Under Strange Moons
8. Chamber Hymn
Time Album: 34:41

Tuesday, 21 January 2025

Luurumpu "Heretike (EP)" (2024)

Country: Finland
Genre: Black Metal
Label: Self-release-Independent
Quality: 320
1. Talvikaste
2. Huorinsaarna
3. Vihatodistus
Time Album: 19:21

Sunday, 19 January 2025

Krvuspára "Deliriant Passages Of Marginata" (2024)

Country: Finland
Genre: Experimental Black Metal
Label: Self-release-Independent
Quality: 320
1. Paaranko 
2. Plenum Pool 
3. Kurkiunia 
4. O
5. Map Is Burning 
6. Kuva
7. Marginata Is Dead 
8. Witch Current Where I Floats / D2O
Time Album: 47:45

Beherit "Live In Praha CZ (Live)" (2025)

Country: Finland
Genre: Black Metal / Death Metal / Dark Ambient 
Label: Primitive Reaction
Quality: 320
1. Intro Kode
2. Unholy Pagan Fire
3. The Gate of Nanna
4. Intro Temple
5. Grave Desecration
6. The Oath of Black Blood
7. Witchcraft
8. Intro Tireheb
9. Solomon’s Gate
10. Nocturnal Evil
11. Sodomatic Rites
12. Lord of Shadows and Goldenwood
13. Pagan Moon
14. All in Satan
Time Album: 1:07:00

Friday, 17 January 2025

Shedfromthebody "Whisper And Wane" (2025)

Country: Finland
Genre: Post Metal / Shoegaze / Doom Metal
Label: Self-release-Independent
Quality: 320
1. Destroyer
2. Mooring
3. Nail 
4. Sungazer
5. Milk 
6. Velveteen 
7. The Choke 
8. Kenopsia
Time Album: 36:38

Thursday, 16 January 2025

Behexen "Beyond The Four Gates (Compilation)" (2025)

Country: Finland
Genre: Black Metal
Label: Werewolf Records
Quality: 320
CD 1:
1. I'm Unholy One
2. Ave Satani
3. Reality Is in Evil...
4. Thanatos
5. Beyond the Dark Graves
6. The Queen of Blood & Lust
7. The Land of the Trolls
8. Eternal Realm
9. Derision for Jesus
10. Outro
11. Sign of Evil Existence (Rotting Christ cover)

CD 2:
1. Saatanan varjon synkkyydessä
2. Blessed Be the Darkness
3. The Flames of the Blasphemer
4. Sota valon jumalaa vastaan
5. Black Storm of Satan's Glory
6. Baphomet's Call...
7. Blasphemy Night
8. Towards the Father
9. Christ Forever Die
Time Album: 1:32:01

Wednesday, 15 January 2025

Coldscape "Kolme Laulua Kuolemasta (EP)" (2024)

Country: Finland
Genre: Black Metal
Label: Misantropia Records
Quality: 320
1. Avain Ja Liekki
2. Tulen Ja Varjon Virsi
3. Maailman Raato
Time Album: 23:08

Tuesday, 14 January 2025

Beheadment "Demo I (Demo)" (2024)

Country: Finland
Genre: Black Metal
Label: Self-release-Independent
Quality: 128
1. Impetu procellae (Intro)
2. Under the Crimson Moon
3. With the Spirit of the Beast
4. With the Clench of Plague (Calling Dark Supremacy)
Time Album: 13:12

Monday, 13 January 2025

Kuunvalon Kruunaama "Moonlit Banquet" (2023)

Country: Finland
Genre: Dungeon Synth
Label: Voices Of The Ainur
Quality: 320
1. Nocturnal Apparition
2. Castle Of Lunar Dreams
3. Pale Gleaming Light
4. Moonlit Banquet
5. As The Night Fades Away
Time Album: 19:54

Sunday, 12 January 2025

Moonstruck "Kingdom Of The Dark Majesty (Demo)" (2024)

Country: Finland
Genre: Black Metal
Label: Signal Rex
Quality: 320
1. Forgotten Castles
2. The Forces of Maliciousness
3. Suffering Souls Howls Through the Night
4. Kingdom of the Dark Majesty
Time Album: 19:31

Friday, 10 January 2025

Lucerne "Lucerne" (2024)

Country: Finland
Genre: Melodic Black Metal / Melodic Death Metal
Label: Self-release-Independent
Quality: 320
1. Night's Cavalry
2. Zweihänder
3. Bloodhound
4. Vereor Nox
5. Soul of Fire
6. Burn O Flame Profane
7. Order of the Sun
8. Destined Death
Time Album: 43:32

Thursday, 9 January 2025

Vuohi "Predator Formula" (2024)

Country: Finland
Genre: Black Metal / Death Metal
Label: Self-release-Independent
Quality: 320
1. Iron Elite
2. A.P.S.
3. Hammer
4. Crowned with Seven Diamonds
5. Victory
6. Aiätär
7. Antilight Abyss Diver
Time Album: 39:18

Wednesday, 8 January 2025

Blood Red Fog "Marrasv​ä​et" (2025)

Country: Finland
Genre: Black Metal
Label: Breath of Pestilence
Quality: 320
1. Musta Maja
2. Elon Kieltäjä
3. Jäiset Kynnet
4. Pohjan Väen Nostatus
Time Album: 49:50

Blood Red Fog / Verge "Prism of Darkness / Second Mortification (Split)" (2024)

Country: Finland
Genre: Depressive Black Metal
Label: Wolfmond Production
Quality: 320
Blood Red Fog:
1. Prism of Darkness

2. Second Mortification
Time Album: 11:57

Tuesday, 7 January 2025

Veitsi "Perikato" (2025)

Country: Finland
Genre: Black Metal
Label: Breath of Pestilence
Quality: 320
1. Syöpä maan pyhässä ruumiissa
2. Valtaistuin vailla hallitsijaa
3. Viha sieluni ylläpitäjänä
4. Murhanhimon alttarilla
5. Kirous perkeleen nimeen
6. Perikato
7. Jäänteet (Outro)
Time Album: 29:27

Monday, 6 January 2025

Hiidensurma "Grave of Ancient Tree (EP)" (2017)

Country: Finland
Genre: Atmospheric Black Metal
Label: Self-release-Independent
Quality: 320
1. Call of the Forest Gods
2. Dark Wanderer
3. Terror Beyond the Great Sea
4. Red Dawn
Time Album: 23:28
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