Tuesday, 31 December 2024

Top 2024

Hails! Another year has sunk into oblivion, and according to tradition, I present my last of the best albums of the Finnish black metal scene. We've heard a lot of good stuff this year, and a number of groups have made themselves felt after years of silence. I am sure that in the new year we will have a lot of interesting things from the adherents of the gloomy dungeons from Suomi.

Monday, 30 December 2024

Funerealm Gloom "Catachthonium Mysteriis" (2024)

Country: Finland
Genre: Black Metal / Doom Metal
Label: Unpure Records
Quality: 320
1. Rejoice the Triumph of Darkness
2. Goathrone Worship
3. Catachthonium Mysteriis
4. Nightly Mass of Black Rituals
5. Horrendous Eyes of the Pit
6. Vengeful Wind
Time Album: 37:53

Hautalehto "Demo 2018 (Demo)" (2018)

Country: Finland
Genre: NS Black Metal
Label: Hammerbund
Quality: 128
1. Taisotanner
2. Nouskoon Kansa
Time Album: 11:02

Sunday, 29 December 2024

Kadotus "Jumalaton Kyyti (Demo)" (2000)

Country: Finland
Genre: Black Metal
Label: Self-release-Independent
Quality: 128
1. Jessehymni III - Through the Fields of Eternal Torment
2. Viimeinen tuomio
3. Lopputeurastus
4. Perkeleellinen yö
5. Suohonupotettu
6. Musta lieju
7. Vesurihuora
Time Album: 25:03

Kadotus "Kertomuskia Kristuksesta (Or The Fairytales In Vittu-Utero) (Demo)" (1999)

Country: Finland
Genre: Black Metal
Label: Self-release-Independent
Quality: 128
1. Anno Saatana
2. Jessehymni
3. Viimeinen tuomio
4. Harmagedon / Christian Holocaust
5. Destroying All Christian
6. Pagan's Hate
7. Lopputeurastus
8. Perkeleellinen yö
9. Through the Fields of Eternal Torment
10. Jessehymni - Näytös 2 (Oodi vaippamiehelle)
Time Album: 38:57

Kadotus "Demo 1998 (Demo)" (1998)

Country: Finland
Genre: Black Metal
Label: Self-release-Independent
Quality: 128
1. Jessehymni
2. Undying Northern Storm
3. Viimeinen tuomio
4. Menacing Darkness
5. Harmagedon / Christian Holocaust
6. Pagan's Hate
7. Domain of Blood
8. Destroying All Christian
9. Anno Saatana
Time Album: 28:41

Saturday, 28 December 2024

Vasari "When The Roof Of The Sky Was Torn, That's Where I Found You" (2024)

Country: Finland
Genre: Melodic Black Metal
Label: Self-release-Independent
Quality: 320
1. Leape Unto Gods' Home
2. Hear My Dark Plea!
3. Frost and Fire
4. Charun
5. Longfore Darkness
6. Saatanan Huoran Rukous
7. Remains
8. Shuhada
9. Vereni Sekoittuu Saastaksi
Time Album: 48:37

Kuusuo "Curse Still Lingers On (Single)" (2024)

Country: Finland
Genre: Atmospheric Black Metal
Label: Self-release-Independent
Quality: 320
1. Curse Still Lingers On
Time Album: 06:58

Friday, 27 December 2024

Apea "Ephemeral (EP)" (2024)

Country: Finland
Genre: Post Black Metal
Label: Meara Music
Quality: 320
1. Come, The Realm of Night
2. Self-Dead Apparition
3. Ei Paista Palanut Päivä
4. Olen Kuollut
Time Album: 22:05

Apea "EP" (2022)

Country: Finland
Genre: Post Black Metal
Label: Self-release-Independent
Quality: 320
1. Drown With Me
2. Masquerade
3. Limbo
Time Album: 13:57

Apea "Demo 2016 (Demo)" (2022)

Country: Finland
Genre: Post Black Metal
Label: Self-release-Independent
Quality: 320
1. Ei Paista Palanut Päivä
2. Olen Kuollut
Time Album: 10:11

Thursday, 26 December 2024

Starcave "Sukta" (2024)

Country: Finland
Genre: Black Metal
Label: GoatowaRex
Quality: 320
1. Sapta Sindhu
2. Indraloka
3. Matsu Nyaya
4. Vadava Agni
5. Vaikuntha
Time Album: 43:26

Order Of Nosferat "Towards The Nightrealm Of Orlok" (2024)

Country: Finland
Genre: Black Metal / Atmospheric Black Metal
Label: Purity Through Fire
Quality: 320
1. ...Far Away to the Land of Ghosts
2. Crossing the Shadowland
3. Towards the Nightrealm of Orlok
4. At the Sea She Longs for His Return
5. Blood Is Life
6. Into Pale Shadows and Ghostly Dreams
7. Where the Werwolf Haunts the Woods
8. Beyond the Eternity Gates I Wait
9. Don't Leave (Gummy Boy cover)
Time Album: 44:50

Sunday, 22 December 2024

Shatargat "Crushing The Thrones Of Light (Compilation)" (2024)

Country: Finland
Genre: Black Metal
Label: Final Agony Records
Quality: 320 (Web)
1. Introduction (The Opening of the Eye of Satan)  
2. Lurking Through the Shadows of the Moon  
3. Last Witch  
4. Thine Art Blaspemy  
5. Winterstorms (Crushing the Thrones of Light)  
6. Departure (Final Gaze Upon the Dying World)  
7. Forest of Broken Crosses  
8. Wolves of War  
9. Resurrection of Pagan Europe  
10. Forbidden Woods of Cernunnos  
11. Der Sieg
Time Album: 45:45

Friday, 20 December 2024

Beleth's Trumpet "Demo 2024 (Demo)" (2024)

Country: Finland
Genre: Black Metal
Label: Korpituli Productions
Quality: 128
1. Extermination of God's Dominion
2. Death's Cold Hand
3. Mass Grave (of the Angels)
4. Chapel of Bones
Time Album: 24:17

Viscerialis "From An Ancient Tome (EP)" (2024)

Country: Finland
Genre: Atmospheric Black Metal
Label: Self-release-Independent
Quality: 320
1. The Site of Burial
2. O, Soaring Being
Time Album: 18:05

Sokeus "Ekpyrosis" (2024)

Country: Finland
Genre: Black Metal
Label: Self-release-Independent
Quality: 128
1. Ekpyrosis - Intro
2. Vomited into Existence
3. Henosis I. The Key to the Gates Is Found Within
4. Henosis II. To Dive into the Holy Chalice
5. That Which Created the Material World Shall Burn Down With It
6. Grand Cataclysmic Downfall
7. Revealing the Pathways to Eternity
8. ...And as all Returns to One - Outro
Time Album: 38:46

Thursday, 19 December 2024

Grand Summoner "Grand Summoner (EP)" (2024)

Country: Finland
Genre: Black`n`Roll
Label: Self-release-Independent
Quality: 320
1. Necromantikk Rites
2. Black Brew Alchemy
3. Evil Fukk
4. Witching Hour (Sodom cover)
Time Album: 10:58

Wednesday, 18 December 2024

Hautaloitsu "Saastaisesta Valosta Periytynyt (EP)" (2024)

Country: Finland
Genre: Black Metal
Label: Self-release-Independent
Quality: 320
1. Alku
2. Raunioiden äärellä
3. Varjo
4. Hautausva
5. Epäpyhä siunaus
6. Tähdet tyhjyydessä...
Time Album: 20:28

Hautaloitsu "Y​ö​n Usvasta​.​.​. (Demo)" (2024)

Country: Finland
Genre: Black Metal
Label: Self-release-Independent
Quality: 320
1. Alkusoitto
2. Riimut
3. Yön Usvasta
Time Album: 10:06

Goatroach "Satanic Decay" (2024)

Country: Finland
Genre: Death Metal / Doom Metal / Sludge Metal
Label: Sleeping Church Records
Quality: 320
1. Covered in Satanic Decay
2. Of Paperhats & Copied Sigils
3. Cunting in Hell
4. Unified in Ash
5. For Legacy
6. Horror Unending
7. Satanic Decay
8. Intoxicated by Necromancy
9. Chant of the Armageddon Hybrid
Time Album: 37:00

Tuesday, 17 December 2024

Noitasapatti "Sankarin Matka" (2024)

Country: Finland
Genre: Black Metal
Label: Inverse Records
Quality: 320
1. Tulikipuna
2. Tuhatkasvoinen
3. Sankarin matka
4. Paluu liekkeihin
5. Käskyläisen sanat
6. Henkien polulla
7. Matka halki myrskyjen
8. Tähtivaeltaja
Time Album: 43:51

Saturday, 14 December 2024

Havukruunu "Tavastland" (2024)

Resolution: 1920 X 1080
Video Codec @ bitrate: AVC@1498
Audio Codec @ bitrate: MP4A-40-2@128
Duration: 05:57
Format: MP4

Friday, 13 December 2024

Satanic Warmaster "Exultation Of Cruelty" (2024)

Country: Finland
Genre: Black Metal
Label: Werewolf Records
Quality: 320
CD 1:
1. A Black Circle of Death
2. Harken the Bells of Damnation
3. As Blood Snarls a Macabre Silhouette
4. I Inhale the Cruelty of Winter's Breath
5. Lord of Blood and Darkness (Der Drachenprinz)
6. Exhale the Vapor of Starlit Tombs
7. Behold the Infernal Kingdom of Hell
8. A Dead Rose for a Dying World

CD 2:
1. Behold the Infernal Kingdom of Hell (Raw Version)
2. I Inhale the Cruelty of Winter's Breath (Raw Version)
3. As Blood Snarls a Macabre Silhouette (Raw Version)
4. Der Drachenprinz (Raw Version)
5. A Black Circle of Death (Raw Version)
6. Exhale the Vapor of Starlit Tombs (Raw Version)
7. Harken the Bells of Damnation (Raw Version)
8. Orkreich
9. Burning the Holy Temple
Time Album: 1:56:06

Bloodhammer "Monastery Of Thousand Blackened Lusts (EP)" (1999)

Country: Finland
Genre: Black Metal
Label: Northern Heritage
Quality: 256
1. Monastery of Thousand Blackened Lusts
2. Absolute Desecration
3. Darkness Had Won the Light
4. Holocaust in Heaven
Time Album: 13:35

Wednesday, 11 December 2024

Clandestine Blaze "Blood And Cum (Demo)" (2002)

Country: Finland
Genre: Black Metal
Label: Northern Heritage Records
Quality: 192
1. Tool
2. Blood and Cum
3. Raping Baby Jesus
4. Autumn Burial
Time Album: 17:27

Edesmennyt "It Was Never Enough" (2024)

Country: Finland
Genre: Depressive Black Metal
Label: Self-release-Independent
Quality: 320
1. It Was Never Enough
2. Life Fading from Tired Eyes
3. In My Dreams I Am Already Dead
4. Finally Forgotten
Time Album: 30:03

Grave With A View "Raw Illumination" (2024)

Country: Finland
Genre: Black Metal
Label: Dusktone
Quality: 320
1. Cold Flesh Peregrination
2. The Lash
3. Wrest
4. Raw Illumination
5. To the Beat of Broken Bones
6. Loathe
7. Tail Swallower
8. These Meaningless Gestures
Time Album: 39:20

Tuesday, 10 December 2024

Sudentaival "Rain Of Ruin: The Return Of Our Glory" (2024)

Country: Finland
Genre: NS Black Metal
Label: Svart Hat Productions
Quality: 128
1. Those Who Deserve...
2. With Eyes Ablaze for Honour
3. Rain of Ruin
4. Gas Chamber
5. The Return of Our Glory
6. Panzers
7. Praised Be...
Time Album: 27:34

Saturday, 7 December 2024

Satanic Warmaster "From The Carelian Battlegrounds (Compilation)" (2024)

Country: Finland
Genre: Black Metal
Label: Werewolf Records
Quality: 320
1. Raging Winter
2. A Raven's Song
3. When Thunders Hail
4. Satan's Werewolf
5. The Burning Eyes of the Werewolf
6. Carelian Satanist Madness
7. Eaten by Rats
8. Vampires
9. Where Eternity Awaits
10. The Chant of the Barbarian Wolves
11. Rotting Raven's Blood
12. The Vampiric Tyrant
13. The Return of Darkness & Evil (Bathory cover)
Time Album: 1:03:11

V/A "Finnish German Alliance (Compilation)" (2008)

Country: Finland / Germany
Genre: Black Metal 
Label: World Terror Committee
Quality: 192
1. Verivala – Häpeäkuolema
2. Sargeist – Black Unholy Happiness
3. Verivala – Roviolle
4. Blood Red Fog – Nimettömien Lasten Hauta
5. Korgonthurus – Talven Syömä
6. Dusken – Blindness Transcended
7. The True Frost – Sacrifice
8. Darkmoon Warrior – The World To Chaos
9. Nihil Nocturne – A Trip Through The Black Mountains
Time Album: 45:44

Thursday, 5 December 2024

Iku-Turso "Live in Hyvinkää, Finland" (14.05.2022)

Resolution: 2560 X 1098
Video Codec @ bitrate: AVC@3395
Audio Codec @ bitrate: MP4A-40-2@128
Duration: 32:28
Format: MP4
1. Aurorae 
2. Bellum
3. Wanderer
4. An Adversary's Funeral
5. At The Crack of Dawn 
6. Chastise Thyself 
7. Winterwoods

Fennovir "Hymnien Unhola (Demo)" (2024)

Country: Finland
Genre: NS Black Metal / Sympho Black Metal
Label: Sword Productions
Quality: 192
1. Hymnien Unhola
2. Immortal
3. Bloodline
4. Spirits of the Thrive
5. Elämästä kuolemaan (Sniper cover)
Time Album: 34:48

Acherad "The Perpetual Katabasis" (2024)

Country: Finland
Genre: Black Metal
Label: Mara Productions
Quality: 320
1. The Key Revelations
2. Wickerman
3. Thousand Gods (On Spears Engraved)
4. (I Saw) Atlas
5. Illuyanka
6. To Fear Helios, to Be Helios
7. Justice Unbecoming
8. The Perpetual Katabasis
Time Album: 38:40

Tuesday, 3 December 2024

Azaghal "Mustamaa" (1999) (re-2011)

Country: Finland
Genre: Black Metal
Label: Helvete.ru
Quality: 320
CD 1:
1. Yhtä yön kanssa
2. Mustamaa
3. Kuolema Kristukselle
4. De Vermis Mysteriis
5. Murskaamme kasvot juutalaisten kuninkaan
6. Kuilujen herrat
7. Juudas
8. Kristinusko liekeissä
9. Portinvartija
10. Juudas
11. Kosto
12. Viimeinen taistelu
13. Outro
CD 2:
1. Harmagedon
2. Tuonelan porteilla
3. Saatanan valtakunta
4. Kuilujen herrat
5. Mustamaa
6. Kun aurinko kuoli
7. Demonolatria
8. Murskaamme kasvot juutalaisten kuninkaan
9. Hiljaisuuden salit
10. Jumalanpilkkaa sinun nimeesi
11. Kuolema kristukselle
12. Kristinusko liekeissä
13. Viimeinen taistelu
14. Verenjano
15. Countess Bathory (Venom cover)
Time Album: 1:52:20

Anxiety "Obscurity (Demo)" (2004)

Country: Finland
Genre: Black Metal
Label: Self-release-Independent
Quality: 128
1. Obscurity
2. Reign  
3. Blood & Blasphemy  
4. The Black Sacrifice  
5. Blasphemous End  
6. A Gleam Exhausted  
7. Black Victory  
8. Outro
Time Album: 38:12

Vermilia "Kansojen Kaipuu" (2024)

Resolution: 1920 X 800
Video Codec @ bitrate: AVC@991
Audio Codec @ bitrate: MP4A-40-2@128
Duration: 06:05
Format: MP4

Satanic Warmaster "Carelian Satanist Madness" (2005) (re-2018)

Country: Finland
Genre: Black Metal
Label: Werewolf Records
Quality: 320
CD 1:
1. The Vampiric Tyrant
2. Carelian Satanist Madness
3. True Blackness
4. My Dreams of 8
5. Eaten by Rats
6. 666
7. My Kingdom of Darkness
8. Blessed Be, the Grim Arts!
CD 2:
1. The Vampyric Tyrant (Live) 
2. Carelian Satanist Madness (Live) 
3. True Blackness (Live) 
4. My Dream of 8 (Live) 
5. Eaten by Rats (Live) 
6. 666 (Live) 
7. My Kingdom of Darkness (Live) 
8. Blessed Be, the Grim Arts! (feat.Bizarre Uproar) (2017)
9. The Vampyric Tyrant (Demo)
10. My Dream of 8 (Demo) 
Time Album: 1:31:40

Metsän Alttari "Metsän Alttari" (2024)

Country: Finland
Genre: Black Metal / Folk Metal
Label: Inverse Records
Quality: 320
1. Intro
2. Jäätyneen Järven Tuolla Puolen
3. Synkkä Syvyys
4. Metsäiselle Alttarille
5. Rautaa, Tulta Ja Jäätä
6. Vampyyri
7. Verikuun Kirous
Time Album: 40:33

Monday, 2 December 2024

Alghazanth "AdraMelekTaus (EP)" (2013)

Country: Finland
Genre: Sympho Black Metal
Label: Woodcut Records
Quality: 320
1. AdraMelekTaus
2. Lilium Letiferum
3. Words Envenomed
Time Album: 16:55

Dødkvlt "I" (2009)

Country: Finland
Genre: Experimental Black Metal
Label: Ewiges Eis Records
Quality: 320
1. Inn I Virvelen Av Brennende Sjaktene Av Skjærsilden
2. Voldtar Engelen
3. Vakker Bortgang Av Menneskeheten
4. Uhellig Hær Stiger
5. Mitt Epitaf
6. The Rain
Time Album: 34:47

Masokismi "Kaikkien Arvojen Uudelleenarvioinnin Äärellä" (2004)

Country: Finland
Genre: Black Metal / Noise
Label: Self-release-Independent
Quality: VBR
1. Hengen vajavaisuus
2. Lihan viisaus
3. Epätoivon dekadenssi
4. Käsitys sairaalloisesta turhuudesta
5. Luodun perversointi
6. Ikuinen liekki
7. Kaiken loppu
Time Album: 29:19

Behexen "Rituale Satanum" (2000)

Country: Finland
Genre: Black Metal
Label: Sinister Figure
Quality: 320
1. Intro / The Summoning
2. Sota Valon Jumalaa Vastaan
3. Night Of The Blasphemy
4. Christ Forever Die
5. Towards The Father
6. Saatanan Varjon Synkkyydessä
7. Baphomet's Call...
8. The Flames Of The Blasphemer
9. Blessed Be The Darkness
10. Rituale Satanum
Time Album: 44:18

Utgard "Great Years Of Blood (Demo)" (2005)

Country: Finland
Genre: Black Metal
Label: Mirgilus Siculorum
Quality: 320
1. Poem of Nightly Serenade
2. Kuolema
3. Great Years of Blood
4. Moonlight Path
5. I Wither
6. Pagan Land (2000)
Time Album: 26:45

Sunday, 1 December 2024

Pestilent Hex "Sorceries Of Sanguine & Shadow" (2024)

Country: Finland
Genre: Black Metal
Label: Debemur Morti Productions
Quality: 320
1. Nocturne
2. Sciomancy and Sortilege
3. Through Mirrors Beyond
4. Of Hexcraft and Laws Three-fold
5. A Spectral Voyage
6. Threnody of the Moon Ascendant
7. Sanguine Gnosis
Time Album: 45:47

Morte Profana "Parasite Lust (EP)" (2024)

Country: Finland
Genre: Black Metal / Death Metal
Label: Self-release-Independent
Quality: 320
1. Intro
2. Infernal Violence
3. Parasite Lust
4. Bestial Mass
5. Scepter of Abhorrence
Time Album: 18:14
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